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The Championships understands how important the privacy of your Personal Information is to you. The Championships is committed to the protection of your Personal Information. The Championships will request you provide information only if it is necessary for one or more of its functions. The Championships respects that individuals have the right to know what information it holds about them.


Data security

The Championships will take all reasonable steps to secure personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. The information will usually be stored in either hard copy or computer database. Information can only be accessed by staff on a need to know basis. For further information on who is permitted access to your records, please contact the Racing NSW Privacy Officer whose details are listed below.



At any time, you can request access to the information that The Championships holds about you. If you wish to have access to the information held about you, you should contact the Racing NSW Privacy Officer, whose details are listed below.


Personal information

The Championships may ask a person to provide it with certain personal information. Amongst other things, such information may include:

• name
• date of birth
• address
• telephone numbers
• occupation



The Championships will not use or disclose your personal information except for any purpose which you would reasonably expect us to use the information. Listed below by are some of the means by which your information may be used and disclosed.



On occasion, The Championships will use a third party such as a mailing house to provide a service to it. The Championships will only use contractors that agree to adhere to the National Privacy Principles. Where possible, The Championships will use appropriate security measures to ensure that contractors deal with the information in accordance with any agreements.


Contact Details

For further Information on privacy information, please contact the Racing NSW Privacy Officer whose details are listed below.

Mr. Peter V’landys

Privacy Officer
Racing NSW Level 7, 51 Druitt St, SYDNEY NSW 2000

Postal Address:

Racing NSW Level 7, 51 Druitt St, SYDNEY NSW 2000

T: (02) 9551 7556
F: (02) 9551 7501



If you have a complaint, The Championships would like to try and resolve it with you first. If you have a complaint please contact our privacy officer whose details are listed above. Then, if you are still not satisfied with our response you should lodge a complaint with the Federal Privacy Commissioner whose contact details are listed below:


Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner
Level 8 Piccadilly Tower
133 Castlereagh St

Postal Address:
GPO Box 5218

P: (02) 9284 9800
F: (02) 9284 9666

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